1:00pm-5:pm BBQ at friend's place : tons of food, beer 350 ml x 2, caipiroska x 3, water
8:30pm-10:00pm Beer 350 ml x 2, vodka shot x 1,
BBQ(top left to down : chicken, cheese, corn, onion, salmon(in foil), sausage, sardine)

J's hummus & pita bread

Onigiri(rice ball)


potato salad and feijão(stewed beans)

My fruits salad
We were invited to a BBQ party and people all brought some food. I made fruits salad and J made hummus. The party had a variety of nationalities. There was a Turkish woman and she ate J's hummus. He was nervous about it, but she liked his hummus. Actually, the hummus was the best he ever made. We ate more than we should and we didn't need dinner.
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