It is Restaurant week from Mar. 1 to Mar. 14th. I went to Brasil a gosto which is a popular Brazilian restaurant. The restaurant was packed, even though it was a weekday lunch time. It is not my business but I saw some people openned a bottle of wine. I am saying I really envied them. My friend picked fish for her entree. She gave me a bite and it was pretty good. It was crunchy outside and it was matched with sauce. My entree was risotto with beans. I had to add some salt, but it was not bad. It had banana, cheese and palm heart on the rissoto. The dessert, pudding, was good. I mean it was not so sweet that I could eat it all. Usually sweets in Brazil are unbelievably sweet. But this was just right and even I, who don't have a sweet tooth, enjoyed it untill the last bite.
Convert (chips, bread, cream cheese and butter)

Salada de folhas verdes, molho de coalhada e minibiscoito de polvilho

Queijo coalho na chapa, melaço e pesto de cheiro verde(cheese on the stick)

Arroz cateto com feijão verde, palmito pupunha e banana grelhada

Tilápia rosa grelhada, purê de mandioquinha e molho de cebola

Pudim de tapioca com calda de pitanga 
Brasil a gosto
R. Prof. Azevedo do Amaral, 70
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