
in Sao Paulo, Brazil
I got food at work and brought them home for dinner. Because I had known that J was hungry for seafood and I though it was a good chance to have pacific herring here. You know grilled fish sometimes smells. That embarassed me when I was on my way home. Whoever sat close to me on the bus, they looked around to see where that smell was from. I felt so bad to bother other passengers, so I got off the bus early. Sorry people. Thanks to your patience, we enjoyed dinner!
I had lunch at a diner near my office. It was a big meal. I could finish a plate all alone. Oops. I will share one plate with my co-worker next time. It cost only R$7, so it would be about US$3.5. Pretty cheap. Should I eat at the diner instead of making a bento box? To bring a bento box is not only for saving money. I don't like to waste leftovers and I don't think it's not healthy to eat out everyday.
I like okra a lot. I made the bento box in the morning and had extra rice and okra. Why don't I have them for breakfast? Of course, I did! Okura gohan is just chopped boiled okra with soy sauce and bonito flakes on rice. It is simple, but this is one of my favorite easy meals. Protein? It might not be enough protein. I usually have more protein. Just not today.......... maybe.
I didn't publish my blog yesterday, but we ordered a pizza for dinner. I had leftovers for breakfast this morning. I don't have time to cook during a week, so I wanna make something good on weenend. Tonight's dinner was not that special, but I liked it. I just received a package from my mom in Japan. She sent me some Japanese food and I used some of them tonight. Thanks, Mom.
I went to a bar with my co-worker after work. We usually order friench-fries, but we wanted to try something different. Then we picked fried polenta. We enjoyed a few stickes but it was the wrong choice. It was sooo greasy. We had polenta before, but both of us forgot what it was what ordered it. We regreat that we didn't oreder regular friench-fries.
If I didn't have J, I would have been starving to death. I ate the meal he made for breakfast, lunch and dinner. To show my appriciation, I will make dinner tomorrow.
I liked the way I spent the day today. I did household tasks and went to the gym in the morning. I had lunch with J and went to the grocery store after lunch. We went out in the evening and ate out for dinner. It is kind of a perfect holiday for me. Sounds boring? hehehe. That's me.
I ate lots this morning. Some people can't eat a big meal in the morning, but I can. I eat small in the morning usually, that's because I don't have time to make a big breakfast. And I found something. When I had a big breakfast, I get hungry before lunch time. But when I have a small breakfast or skip it, I don't get hungty that much. Does it happen the same to you?
I had pasta with the meat sauce for yesterday lunch, so I tried rice today. It was ok, but it is definitely better with pasta. Is it obvious?
Dear 2 mothers
I wish I were there with you on Mother's day. One mother is in Japan and the other is in the U.S. I can't stay with both of you at the same time. So it is fair that I live far from both of you? I miss you.
Happy mother's day. I love you!
I was going to drink beer or wine at home after dinner, but I was thirsty for water. I could expect it. The meal was salty. It was good for beer, but I was stuffed to have a carbonated drink after dinner.
The soup I had for dinner is leftovers from yesterday. I cooked fish for J. I don't know what fish it was, but it worked and J liked it. It is not easy to find fresh tasty fish with a good price. But I can get beef with a good price. I am not sure about the taste though.
I should have published everyday. I don't remember what time I had food yesterday.
I was too lazy to cook dinner. But I didn't want the same food from lunch. So I added grilled chicken and curry powder in the leftover. I am proud of my laziness. It was good.