6:45am Breakfast : a glass of milk, a glass of smoothie, one boiled egg, a cup of coffee
12:30pm Lunch : Takikomi Gohan(leftovers), a glass of water, mango
6:00pm Dinner : Hamburger, vegetable sticks with hummus, water melon
Anytime water 16 oz
Ooops! I forgot to take a picture of Hamburger. It was really rare for me to make it. Most of the time, J is in charge of Hamburger. You know, he must know better than me. J enjoyed my hamburger anyway.
Mar. 30
6:45am Breakfast : a glass of soy milk, a glass of smoothie, a cup of coffee 
12:00pm Lunch : Pastel at a feira
6:30pm Dinner : Ingen no Goma ae(boiled greenbeans), Kabocha no Nimono(cooked pumpkin), Spicy cabbage soup, Takikomi Gohan(Japanese Pilaf)
Anytime water 24 oz

I made Teriyaki fish for hungry boys. I can't eat much these days. Is it time for diet?
Mar. 29
7:00am Breakfast : a glass of soymilk, water melon
10:00am bread
1:00pm Lunch : Chicken soup
6:00pm Dinner : rice, feijao, omlet, a glass of water

Did we have too much carbos? Rice and bread. The omlet also has potatoes!
Mar. 28
6:30pm Dinner : Tomato salad, Chiken soup, bread Dinner

9:00pm ice cream, water melon

I don't remembre when and what I had breakfast and lunch. J made dinner. Thanks. It was good.
Mar. 26
7:00am Breakfast : a glass of soy milk, a glass of smoothi, one boiled egg, 2 cups of coffee
1:00pm Lunch : Chicken sandwich, a glass of milk
6:00pm Dinner : Cooked Zucchini, Spicy Carrot, Kabocha no Misoshiru(pumpkin miso-soup), rice
Anytime water 24 oz
My camera seems to be broken. It looks like I took a picture in the fog.

My camera seems to be broken. It looks like I took a picture in the fog.
Mar. 25
6:30am Breakfast : a glass of soy milk, a glass of smoothie, rice with beans(leftovers), a cup of coffee

We had a guest from the U.S. I was going to cook, but we lost electoric power because of a storm. So we decided to eat out. We had some restaurants close by, but they also lost power. It sometimes happens, we lose power after a heavy rain but we usually get power back soon. Now we know why we lost it for a long time. Loot at the picture below. Anyway we found a restaurant. The first dinner for the guest in Brazil was Sushi..... I hope he enjoyed Japanese cuisine in Brazil.
This is why we lost power.

12:30pm Lunch : rice, sea weeds
4:30pm a glass of red wine, cheese and cracker
6:30pm a bottle of beer
7:00pm Dinner : Sushi, Sake at Sushi Den
8:30pm chips, a bottle of beer, a glass of red wine
Dinner : ceviche, marinated white fish, salmon with salmon raw

Sushi and Sashimi Combo

We had a guest from the U.S. I was going to cook, but we lost electoric power because of a storm. So we decided to eat out. We had some restaurants close by, but they also lost power. It sometimes happens, we lose power after a heavy rain but we usually get power back soon. Now we know why we lost it for a long time. Loot at the picture below. Anyway we found a restaurant. The first dinner for the guest in Brazil was Sushi..... I hope he enjoyed Japanese cuisine in Brazil.
This is why we lost power.

Mar. 24
6:30am Breakfast : a glass of soy milk, a glass of smoothi, Takikomi Gohan and Gomoku Mame(leftovers), a cup of coffee Dinner

12:00pm Lunch : salad, spinich cream soup, mustard beef, omlet
4:00pm Apple pie with vanilla ice cream, brownie
6:30pm Dinner : arroz(rice), feijao(Brazilian beans stew), eggplant stir-fry
7:40pm-9:00pm beer 350 ml x 1, a glass of red wine
Anytime water 24 oz

It was first time for me to try making Brazilian food. When I made feijao, I went online to chat with Brazilian friend and she helped me. Thanks Sil!
Mar. 23
6:50am Breakfast : a glass of soy milk, a glass of milk, one banana, 2 cups of coffee
12:30pm Lunch : Takikomi Gohan, Gomoku Mame(cooked beans with vegetables), Endou no Goma ae(boiled green beans with sesami seeds), boiled pumpkin, a glass of orange juice
2:00pm coconuts cake, brownie, a cup of tea
6:30pm Dinner : Takikomi Gohan, Gomoku Mame, Endou no Goma ae, a glass of water
8:30pm a glass of red wine
Anytime water 24 oz

Mar. 22
6:40am Breakfast : a glass of soy milk, a glass of smoothie, a glass of milk, a cup of coffee
11:00am Lunch : salad, stewed beef, feijao, mashed potato, vegetable soup, water melon
4:00pm a cup of coffee
6:15pm Dinner : Dashimaki(Japanese omlet), Kabocha no Nimono(cooked pumpkin), Yaki Nasu(grilled eggplant), Kyuri no Karashishoyu Ae(cucumber marinated with musterd and soy sauce), Takikomi Gohan(Japanese pilaf)
9:00pm a glass of red wine
Anytime water 24 oz

Mar. 21
7:00am Breakfast : a glass of soy milk, a glass of orange juice, one banana, ramen, 2 cups of coffee Dinner

12:00pm Lunch : bread, scramled egg, a cup of coffee
5:00pm rice cracker, a glass of red wine
6:00pm Dinner : Spicy soup Korean style, beer 350 ml x 1
7:30pm beer 350 ml x 2, whisky shot x 1
Anytime water 24 oz

Lunch at Bananeira
Finally, we went to Bananeira for lunch. It cost about R$50 per person. They had some kinds of feijoada, meat and salad. And also they had live music. Whether we like or not, we had to pay for it. It was just about R$4 and we liked it anyway. When we arrived at the restaurant just after 1pm, it was getting busy. I think around 3pm is the busiest time for Saturday lunch. Yes, it is Brazil!

Mar. 20
7:30am Breakfast : a glass of soy milk, a glass of smoothie, Misoshiru-gohan, 2 cups of coffee
1:30pm Lunch : Fejoada, some meat, agua com gas at Bananeira
7:00pm Dinner : Prosciutto, cheese, cracker, bread with olive oil, one bottle of white wine (shared with J)
8:00pm-10:00pm Martini x 1, beer 350 x 1, a glass of red wine, popcorn
Anytime water 16 oz (not good)
1:30pm Lunch : Fejoada, some meat, agua com gas at Bananeira
7:00pm Dinner : Prosciutto, cheese, cracker, bread with olive oil, one bottle of white wine (shared with J)
8:00pm-10:00pm Martini x 1, beer 350 x 1, a glass of red wine, popcorn
Anytime water 16 oz (not good)
Mar. 19
6:30am Breakfast : a glass of soy milk, a glass of smoothie, a cup of coffee
1:00pm Lunch : Tenpura teishoku at Yakisoba house
5:00pm-7:00pm beer 350 x 1, a glass of red wine
7:00pm Dinner : Iwashi no shoyu-ni, moyashi no ohitashi, Iridoufu, beer 350 ml x 1
8:00pm chocolate, a glass of red wine
Anytime water 16 oz (not enough......)

1:00pm Lunch : Tenpura teishoku at Yakisoba house
5:00pm-7:00pm beer 350 x 1, a glass of red wine
7:00pm Dinner : Iwashi no shoyu-ni, moyashi no ohitashi, Iridoufu, beer 350 ml x 1
8:00pm chocolate, a glass of red wine
Anytime water 16 oz (not enough......)


Mar. 18
6:30am Breakfast : a glass of soy milk, a glass of orange juice, one boiled egg, a cup of coffee
2:00pm Lunch : ochazuke(rice, umeboshi, hot water), a cup of coffee
5:00pm chocolate, a cup of coffee
8:00pm Dinner : picanha, fried polenta, bread, chopp x 2, caipirosca at benditos
2:00pm Lunch : ochazuke(rice, umeboshi, hot water), a cup of coffee
5:00pm chocolate, a cup of coffee
8:00pm Dinner : picanha, fried polenta, bread, chopp x 2, caipirosca at benditos
Mar. 17
6:30am Breakfast : a glass of smoothie, one fried egg, a cup of coffee
11:00am Lunch : salad, meat pie, vegetable soup, rice pudding
5:00pm a cup of coffee
6:15pm Dinner : chicken soup, bread
9:00pm-10:00pm beer 350 ml x 1, a glass of red wine
Anytime water 24 oz

I made chicken broth from chicken bones. It was really good. It would be better if I had celery. It was a small dinner, but it's ok. I ate too much at lunch. J might have popcorn or something later.
11:00am Lunch : salad, meat pie, vegetable soup, rice pudding
5:00pm a cup of coffee
6:15pm Dinner : chicken soup, bread
9:00pm-10:00pm beer 350 ml x 1, a glass of red wine
Anytime water 24 oz

I made chicken broth from chicken bones. It was really good. It would be better if I had celery. It was a small dinner, but it's ok. I ate too much at lunch. J might have popcorn or something later.
Mar. 16
6:40am Breakfast : a glass of smoothie, cookie, chocolate, a cup of coffee

It is rare for us to eat pasta. I don't know why, both of us like pasta though. I make lasagne sometimes but not pasta like spaghetti or penne. As I felt tired all day today, I picked pasta for dinner. It might look like a lot of work to make the sauce, but I had made it a few weeks ago and kept it in the freezer. All I had to do was to boil water and to throw pasta in it.
11:45am Lunch : pastel de carne com queijo
3:30pm banana, mango, papaya
7:00pm Dinner : Pasta with tomato sauce, a glass of water
8:15pm a glass of red wine
Anytime water 32 oz

Mar. 15
6:30am Breakfast : a glass of soy milk, a glass of smoothie, a cup of coffee

11:00am Lunch : salad, cooked beef, grilled zucchini, melon, doce de leite, a glass of water
3:30pm a cup of coffee
4:30pm a cup of coffee, chocolate
6:15pm Dinner : Isomushi Tamanegi(cooked onion), Butter Zucchini, Cabbage Miso-soup, rice
9:00pm beer 350 ml x 1
Anytime water 32 oz
Did I drink coffee too much today? And I had zucchini for both lunch and dinner. I could have changed dinner's menu, but I didn't realize when I was cooking. I like zucchini, so it's not a problem.

Hocca bar
We went to mercado municipal. It is a central market and a popular place not only for tourists but also for local people. There are many stores of fish, fruits and e.t.c on the first floor and a food court on the second floor. We had lunch at Hocca bar which is popular as bacalhau pastel and sandwiches. Bacalhau is preserved codfish in salt. It was first time for me to try bacalhau. It was not bad but I was not fond of it. And the sandwich is............... is it really a sandwich? It was huge. I felt like I was eating just ham. The bread was just like to keep my fingers clean. I don't usually eat ham so often. I think I ate as much ham as I have eaten in a year. Did I say something similar last night too?
Pastel de Bacalhau

Pastel de Bacalhau

Bellissima(ham, cheese, tomato)


Hocca Bar
Rua da Cantareira, no 306 - Parque Dome Pedro Ⅱ(Mercado Municipal)http://www.hoccabar.com.br/historia.htm
Churrascaria Vento Haragano
It has been 6 months since we came to Brazil. Finally, we went to Churrascaria restaurant. There is a buffet table at the middle of the restaurant and you pick from some appetizers and salad. The waiter comes to our table and gives us endless meat from a big stick. Yes. It is a MEAT PARTY! I think I had as much meat yesterday at a restaurant as I have had for one year at home. We have a small card like a coaster and one side says "yes please" and another says "no thank you". This is a message for the waiter and as long as we put "yes please", the waiter keeps serving meat. They have various parts of beef, chicken, pork, sausage, fish and lamb. I liked picanha(rumpsteak) and lamb. Churrasco is not cheap and I am not sure if I could eat as much as I paid, but it is worth.

Mar. 14
7:30am Breakfast : a glass of orange juice, 2 cups of coffee, chocolate and cookie

7:15pm Dinner : ramen, fried rice, beer 350 ml x 1, chocolate
8:00pm-10:00pm beer 350 ml x 1, 2 glasses of red wine, whisky shot x 1
Anytime water 10 oz (That' it???)

I was too tired to make dinner. But we had to eat. So I made only ramen and fried rice. I wanted to have more vegetables tonight, because we ate a lot of meat and less vegetable last night. I will make better dinner tommorow.
Mar. 13
6:30am Breakfast : a glass of soy milk, a glass of smoothie, bread and fried egg, a glass of milk, a cup of caramel tea

1:30pm Lunch : fried rice, a glass of water, a cup of coffee
6:30pm beer 350 ml x 1
8:00pm Dinner : Churrasco at Vento Haragano, a glass of red wine, a bottle of beer

Mar. 12
6:50am Breakfast : a glass of soy milk, a glass of smoothie, Jeon(leftovers), one small banana, a cup of tea

11:15am Lunch : 2 pieces of pizza, a glass of milk
3:00pm a glass of chocholate milk
7:00pm Dinner : sushi and sashimi, cooked onion, carrots and wakame with ginger ponzu, kiriboshi daikon(cooked dried Japanese radish), beer 350 ml x 1
8:00pm-10:00pm chips, beer 350 ml x 2, martini x 1, a glass of red wine, cheese & crackers

I was going to get salmon sashimi for dinner, but the grocery store had only sushi combo. The sushi rice under the salmon sucked. I had not expected it anyway. I can't wait for visiting Japan. I will eat sushi as much as I want!
Mar. 11
11:00am a glass of soy milk, jello

Dinner's theme was Korean! I had one beer during cooking. Because the food smelled good and J came back home later than usual. I was hungry. That means I snitched some food with beer.
1:00pm Salmon pilaf, a glass of water
3:00pm a glass of chocolate milk
7:00pm beer 350 ml x 1
8:00pm Dinner : Jeon(Korean pancake?), steamed chicken, spicy pickled cabbage, carrot namul, beer 350 ml x 1
8:30pm-11:00pm a glass of red wine, beer 350 ml x 2, whisky shot x 1
Anytime water 40 oz

Dinner's theme was Korean! I had one beer during cooking. Because the food smelled good and J came back home later than usual. I was hungry. That means I snitched some food with beer.
Mar. 10
6:45am Breakfast : a glass of soy milk, a glass of smoothie, one boiled egg, a cup of coffee
I bought 2 different kinds of egg. The egg shell had a different color but the size and price was the same. To find the difference, I boiled each egg and compared. Inside looked the same and the taste was also the same for me. It was a boring exam. I liked it though.
Did dinner look big? This is kind of cheating. I had more plates than usual to hide not having enough animal protein. There are only eggs in the stir-fry and salmon in the fried rice. The eggplant was pretty good. It was a little bit oily. I will remake and change some ingredients, and if it works well, I will put a recipe here.
11:00am Lunch : salad, vegetable and beef stir-fry, pasta with meat sauce, pudding, water melon
2:00pm pudding, a cup of coffee
4:30pm a glass of cafe au leit
6:20pm Dinner : Salmon fried rice, Vegetable and egg stir-fry, Fried eggplant, Cucumber with karshi shoyu, a glass of water
Anytime water 24 oz
Boiled eggs


Nasu no Nibitashi
I like this eggplant. The eggplant was cooked with fish broth to a pulp and it was difficult to pick it up with chopsticks. This flavor remends me of home. That means this flavor is not very special, but it makes me feel like being home. I am not sure how much this recipe would be loved by western people.

Ingredients : serves 2
1 eggplant
1 cup fish broth
1 tbs soy sauce
1 tsp sugar
1 pinch Katsuobushi(dried bonito flakes)
Preparation :
1. Slice eggplant into 2 and make some slit on the skin. Cut it into a few pieces.
2. Put all ingredients and cook until the eggplant gets tender

Ingredients : serves 2
1 eggplant
1 cup fish broth
1 tbs soy sauce
1 tsp sugar
1 pinch Katsuobushi(dried bonito flakes)
Preparation :
1. Slice eggplant into 2 and make some slit on the skin. Cut it into a few pieces.
2. Put all ingredients and cook until the eggplant gets tender
Mar. 9
6:45am Breakfast : a glass of soy milk, a glass of smoothie, Chirashizushi(leftovers), a cup of coffee

11:30am Lunch : Pastel(pizza)
6:30pm Dinner : Takikomi sake gohan(cooked rice and salmon), Nasu no Nibitashi(cooked eggplant), Negi Dashimaki Tamago(Japanese omlet with green onion), Cabbage with karashi shoyu sauce
7:20pm a glass of soy milk
Anytime water 40 oz
I go to a feira(market) every Tuesday. I had a pastel this week too and I decided to have a pastel at the feira for lunch every week. Now Tuesday is my second most favorite day. While I eat a pastel at the stand, I think what flavor I will have next week. I picked pizza flavor today and it was better than I expected. It had olives, fresh tomato and cheese in it. Yummy.
Mar. 8
6:45am Breakfast : a glass of soy milk, a glass of smoothie, jello, a cup of coffee
11:00am Lunch : salad, mash potatoes, beef stew, a glass of water
3:30pm a cup of coffee
6:00pm Dinner : Chirashizushi, Sawara Miso-ni, Shitake soup
9:00pm-10:30pm beer 350 ml x 3

I somehow made dinner with few ingredients. There's no fresh vegetables and a small variation of food. However I could cheat J's appetite by Chirashizushi, which is his favorite. I am going to a feira(market) and have time to cook tomorrow. I will make something good for dinner.
11:00am Lunch : salad, mash potatoes, beef stew, a glass of water
3:30pm a cup of coffee
6:00pm Dinner : Chirashizushi, Sawara Miso-ni, Shitake soup
9:00pm-10:30pm beer 350 ml x 3

I somehow made dinner with few ingredients. There's no fresh vegetables and a small variation of food. However I could cheat J's appetite by Chirashizushi, which is his favorite. I am going to a feira(market) and have time to cook tomorrow. I will make something good for dinner.
Mar. 7
7:45am Breakfast : a glass of soy milk, a glass of smoothie, scrambled egg, a cup of coffee
12:30pm Lunch : lunch plate(beaf, potatoes, rice with feijao), pasteis queijo, caipiroska com maracuja at restaurant
6:00pm beer 350 ml x 1
7:00pm Dinner : salmon pilaf, grilled zucchini with parmesan cheese, carrot soup, a glass of red wine
8:00pm-10:00pm 2 glasses of red wine, beer 350 ml x 1, chips 45 g
Anytime water 24 oz

I don't have vegetables in my fridge. I have one more day until going to feira(martet). Ingredients for dinner are rice, salmon, onion, garlic, carrot and zucchini. That's all. We had more food for lunch. I can go to a grocery store, but I'd like to handle it with food I get once a week at feira.
What am I gonna make tomorrow? J, please eat lots at lunch at work. Your dinner might be only bread and cheese. Ooops, I don't have bread either....

I don't have vegetables in my fridge. I have one more day until going to feira(martet). Ingredients for dinner are rice, salmon, onion, garlic, carrot and zucchini. That's all. We had more food for lunch. I can go to a grocery store, but I'd like to handle it with food I get once a week at feira.
What am I gonna make tomorrow? J, please eat lots at lunch at work. Your dinner might be only bread and cheese. Ooops, I don't have bread either....
Grilled omlet

Ingredients : serves 2 - 3
1 middle carrot - cut thin
1 middle onion - slice
1 green pepper - sliver
1 zucchini - cut it into round slices
3 egg - whisk
1/4 cup milk
a little salt and pepper
1 tbs ketchup
some mount parmesan cheese - grate
some mount provolone - slice some pieces
Preparations :
1. Pre-heat oven 200 C and spread oil or butter on a heat-resistant plate
2. Stir-fry carrot, onion, green pepper and zucchini with oil. When it is cooked, add ketchup and off the heat
3. Mix egg, milk and parmesan cheese
4. Put #2 in #3 and mix and Pour it into the plate and sprinkle provolone on
5. Cook it in the oven for 30 minutes
Note :
Other vegetables also works. Add miced meat make the omlet taste better. The cheese doesn't need to be those kinds above. The cheese from the bag for pizza would be easier.
Mar. 6
7:30am Breakfast : a glass of soy milk, a glass of orange juice, french toast, a cup of coffee



12:00pm Lunch : ramen, a cup of coffee
4:00pm jello
5:00pm jello
5:30pm-7:30pm a glass of white wine, a glass of red wine5:00pm jello
7:30pm Dinner : Pizza with peparoni, beer 350 ml x 1
9:00pm-11:00pm 2 glasses of red wine, beer 350 ml x 1

I don't usually take a picture of ramen, but todays ramen is different. It is from Japan. I added some vegetables to make it special. We eat ramen once in a week. J loves ramen. We can get ramen at a grocery store. The store sells Japanese name brand and it has some flavors we don't have in Japan. It doesn't have what we have in Japan. So ramen here is different from what I expect. Anyway ramen at lunch was shipped by my mom. Thanks mom! Love you.


I was starving to death this evening and ate two cups of jello I made from a jello kit. I was going to make something Japanese for dinner, but J mentioned that he's hungry for pizza. So we orderd a peparoni pizza. I am very proud that I ordered in Portugues. You know it is difficult to speak and listen to a foreign language on the phone. Although I am not sure which is less work to speak Portugues or to cook when I am hunger.
Mar. 5
6:45am Breakfast : a glass of smoothie, curry and rice, 2 cups of coffee


I was not energetic at all today. I didn't even want to make lunch. So I went to Yakisoba house. I ordered Fried chicken. It was huge, but it was no problem for me to finish it. The lady who was working here brought me a doggy bag, but I had already eaten. She was surprised how hungry I was. The fried chicken was really good. It was not like American fried chiken. It was Japanese fried chiken, Karaage. I will order some for someday's dinner at home.
For dinner, I was going to grill beef, but I changed my mind. I could say I was just too lazy to go to a grocery store. It doesn't matter what I cook, it is Friday! I enjoy drinking! The bus was not crowded, but I was thirsty for beer when I got home. My body must have known it was Friday. I had a drink while I was cooking. Weekends rock!
11:15am Lunch : Karaage teishoku(fried chicken and rice set), agua com gas at Yakisoba house
4:30pm-6:30pm beer 350 ml x 1, 2 glass of red wine
7:00pm Dinner : chicken breast and avocado with wasabi soy sauce, cheese & crackers, sardin and vegetables tamato sauce, a glass of red wine
7:30pm Dessert : a glass of white wine, cake and ice cream
9:00pm vocka shot x 1, beer 350 ml x 1, chips 45 g
Anytime water 16 oz



I was not energetic at all today. I didn't even want to make lunch. So I went to Yakisoba house. I ordered Fried chicken. It was huge, but it was no problem for me to finish it. The lady who was working here brought me a doggy bag, but I had already eaten. She was surprised how hungry I was. The fried chicken was really good. It was not like American fried chiken. It was Japanese fried chiken, Karaage. I will order some for someday's dinner at home.
For dinner, I was going to grill beef, but I changed my mind. I could say I was just too lazy to go to a grocery store. It doesn't matter what I cook, it is Friday! I enjoy drinking! The bus was not crowded, but I was thirsty for beer when I got home. My body must have known it was Friday. I had a drink while I was cooking. Weekends rock!
Brasil a gosto
It is Restaurant week from Mar. 1 to Mar. 14th. I went to Brasil a gosto which is a popular Brazilian restaurant. The restaurant was packed, even though it was a weekday lunch time. It is not my business but I saw some people openned a bottle of wine. I am saying I really envied them. My friend picked fish for her entree. She gave me a bite and it was pretty good. It was crunchy outside and it was matched with sauce. My entree was risotto with beans. I had to add some salt, but it was not bad. It had banana, cheese and palm heart on the rissoto. The dessert, pudding, was good. I mean it was not so sweet that I could eat it all. Usually sweets in Brazil are unbelievably sweet. But this was just right and even I, who don't have a sweet tooth, enjoyed it untill the last bite.
Convert (chips, bread, cream cheese and butter)
Salada de folhas verdes, molho de coalhada e minibiscoito de polvilho
Queijo coalho na chapa, melaço e pesto de cheiro verde(cheese on the stick)

Arroz cateto com feijão verde, palmito pupunha e banana grelhada

Tilápia rosa grelhada, purê de mandioquinha e molho de cebola

Convert (chips, bread, cream cheese and butter)

Salada de folhas verdes, molho de coalhada e minibiscoito de polvilho

Queijo coalho na chapa, melaço e pesto de cheiro verde(cheese on the stick)

Arroz cateto com feijão verde, palmito pupunha e banana grelhada

Tilápia rosa grelhada, purê de mandioquinha e molho de cebola

Pudim de tapioca com calda de pitanga
Brasil a gosto
R. Prof. Azevedo do Amaral, 70
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