

I went to this restaurant for lunch during restaurant week. It was bright and nice. There was a terras on the 2nd floor. I had a special menu for the restaurant week. I am not sure they have same menu usually, but all of them were pretty good. I enjoyed it. starter : Salada verde com cogumelos paris e queijo manchego

: Creme de beterraba frio com creme Fraiche de limão Siciliano - If it was served for dessert, I would expect it cassis flavor. It was cold beet soup.

main dish : Fraldinha grelhada com risoto de abóbora e favas - the steak was a bit chewy, but the ressot was perfect!

: Saint Pierre com tabule de quinua e pesto de hortelã

Dessert : Tartare de manga com manjericão e espuma de coco - there was another choice of dessert, brownie, but we all picked this.



Alameda Franca , 1590

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