
Feb. 25

6:45am Breakfast : a glass of soy milk, a glass of orange juice, one small banana, one boiled egg, 2 cups of coffee
12:30pm Lunch : Ginger carrot Don(cooked carrot and ginger on the rice in the bowl), a glass of water, a glass of soy milk
4:00pm 2 cups of apple cinnamon tea, crackers
7:00pm Dinner : a glass of sake, a glass of beer, sushi and sashimi at Sushi Den
8:20pm-9:30pm some cookies, chips 50g, a glass of red wine, a bottle of beer 355 ml x 1
Anytime water 24 oz

The lunch looks very similar from last night dinner. But it is different. Mine was from my mom's recipe. This recipe is from a Japanese blogger who publishes books of her own recipes. I will buy her books when I visit Japan. It was tasty! Thank you, Izumi-san!

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